Fact-checking policy

Fact-Check Center | 24UpdateIndia

At 24UpdateIndia, we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and factual news. Our Fact-Check Center ensures that all claims, reports, and statements are verified before reaching you.

How We Fact-Check

  1. Identifying Claims: We focus on claims that are of public interest, including statements made by public figures, viral social media posts, and widely circulated news stories.
  2. Research and Verification:
    • Our team reviews information from trusted sources like government databases, academic institutions, expert reports, and verified news outlets.
    • We cross-check multiple credible sources to ensure consistency and accuracy.
  3. Rating the Claims:
    • True: Fully verified and accurate.
    • False: Completely inaccurate or misleading.
    • Partially True: Some elements are true, but missing context or minor inaccuracies.
    • Misleading: Contains factual information but used to create a false impression.
  4. Transparent Reporting: Our fact-check articles provide:
    • The original claim.
    • Evidence supporting the claim or refuting it.
    • A clear conclusion on its accuracy.

Recent Fact-Checks

  1. Claim: “India’s economy is the fastest-growing in the world.”
    • Verdict: True. According to the World Bank and IMF reports from 2023, India’s growth rate is currently the highest among major economies.
  2. Claim: “The government has banned WhatsApp for a week.”
    • Verdict: False. No official source confirms this, and WhatsApp remains functional across the country.
  3. Claim: “COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips.”
    • Verdict: False. Multiple scientific studies and health organizations, including WHO, confirm that vaccines are free from microchips or tracking devices.

Submit a Claim for Fact-Check

If you come across a claim or story you think needs verification, share it with us! Our team will investigate and provide a thorough fact-check report.

Stay informed, stay factual with 24UpdateIndia!